


Not exactly what you are looking for, but I know that a church bell specialist
who lives in Alsace (Strasbourg I think) was the subject of articles in the journal
Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace, around Easter
I think his name is Olivier Tarozzi, but to be checked.

DNA Strasbourg: 03 88 21 55 00
DNA Paris bureau: 01 53 04 21 49

I am sending you 2 Word doc from March 24 2008, on your private email:
- "Carte campanaire de l'Alsace"  (a list of old church bells in Alsace)
- "Les bons offices de Charlemagne" (an article in which is said that Charlemagne
imposed bells in churches in 801, and that Irish monks used small bells to get attention
when they evangelized Alsace in the Middle Ages)
- unfortunately I can't find another article called "Oreille d'airain" which talks about the expert,
Olivier Tarozzi, if I am not mistaken.
Check with DNA, there was a whole series of articles about bells.

In any case, contact me if problems to get the info

Michael Bross

  Dear list members,

  I am looking for elemental analysis of medieval bronze bells (from
  churches) in Western Europe. Could anyone provide me with references
  and/or data.

  I was told in particularly that the Sb content could decide the way the
  bell had to be hitten...


  Merci d'envoyer UNE COPIE à mon adresse personnelle, [log in to unmask], la moitié des
courriels ne me parviennent pas à la présente adresse

  David Bourgarit
  Responsable des études en métallurgie
  Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France
  tél:01 40 20 56 39
  UMR 171 du CNRS
  Palais du Louvre - Porte des Lions
  14 quai François MITTERRAND
  75001 Paris