

Caroline et al

Really interesting discussion - not sure if i will ever get any work 
done today : )
I agree in part but even so - when the neo-pagan makes it up based on 
intuition -
giving a god or goddess some new content -
aren't they acting very much like ancient pagans -
who also gave completely unhistorical spins to existing deities -
isn't this the way religions develop?
And doesn't it show how much like the classical pagan we are -
and also the vitality of pagan belief?

"love and do what you will"


(self-confessed compulsive researcher)

i David,
> Yes, I agree with what you've said below. And I'm not saying "Pagans 
> must be historically-correct and always look to the past" but that if 
> one is going to be citing a "Pagan history" from the past - which is 
> very much a part of Paganism today, referring to "the past" - and 
> talking about gods and other supernatural beings *from past ancient 
> socieites*, the least one could do was to actually research those 
> deities from within the deities' own cultural and historical contexts. 
> Not to say that the way particular deities were perceived by mortals 
> stayed the same throughout their [the deities'] entire 'lifetimes" 
> back in pre-Christian times, or that the everyday ancient pagan 
> bothered to "research" their deities either, but I'd have thought that 
> if people today were actually interested in "ancient Pagan deities" 
> the least they could do was to exert themselves on a bit of research 
> regarding those deities - or else to be truthful and say "Actually, I 
> can't be bothered doing that, I'm just going to make it up", rather 
> than make up stuff and not admit it?
> Which sort of reminds me of how Golden Dawn members used to scry the 
> aethyr for the components of missing parts of rituals if they couldn't 
> construct them from research. Which is fine... if you believe that you 
> can obtain such material from that source. I certainly believe you can 
> obtain *material* from scrying, but whether it is historically 
> authentic ritual components, I'm feeling mroe sceptical about that.
> ~Caroline.
>>> I do find the blinkered approach to historical critique was a
> significant limiting factor.  When people dealt with this upfront and
> engage with why and how they are making these distinctions it is much 
> more honest and leads to better ritual practice.  I really love how 
> Thorsen does this in Asatru actually where he acknowledges its 
> constructed nature and then has a discussion on how we engage with the 
> past both in terms of literal history and where and how we can make 
> our depatures.  Its a very honest and authentic way to approach the 
> issue of historicity I think and claims to historical authenticity and 
> connection to the past lie at the heart of the very idea of 
> contemporary Paganism.<<