

Muchas gracias a todos los que amablemente tuvieron la atención de responderme y ofrecerme ayuda!

I am fully satisfied and thankfull with those people who gently reply to my enquiry and provided some references.
Daniela N. Avido 

----- Mensaje reenviado ----

Dear all,
I was wondering if you have any references regarding rodents (like atlas, ethology, etc.) or about researchers on this subject. 
The species I'm concerning are the following, but other references are wellcome:
Cavia aperea
Ctenomys talarum
Ctenomys sp.
Holochilus brasilensis
Scapteromis sp.
Oligozomis sp.
Myocastor coypus
These migth be unknown species in the North hemisphere (I´m in Argentina, in the Pampean region) but I still wanted to ask, just in case...
Thanks in advance, and sorry for any misspelling...
Daniela N. Avido

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