

Dear all,


With apologies for the delay in circulating this (not due to any election irregularities, I hasten to add!), I’m delighted to report that the election for both posts was carried. Many thanks for your participation in the electronic election.


We are very pleased to welcome Aine and Sara to the WIGS committee!


On another note, if anyone still wishes to attend the joint study day with WISPS (next Friday, 23 May), please do get in touch. I will circulate a report on the day for the benefit of those who are interested but can’t make the date.





From: Marven, Lyn
Sent: 23 April 2008 13:52
Subject: electronic election for WIGS committee members


Dear all,


It was decided at the Brighton meeting that we could elect virtually an IT rep to succeed Anna; we also now need to elect a Postgraduate rep to replace Michi who is stepping down. Could I therefore ask for your (virtual) participation in an online election? If you are in agreement with the nominations this will take you precisely no time at all!


We have received nominations for both posts:


Aine McMurtry (Queen’s, Oxford) for IT (as nominated in absentia at the Brighton meeting)      


Sara Jones (Nottingham) for PG rep (nominated and seconded by committee members)


As it is impractical, I think, to ask that all WIGS members email me with their votes, could I ask only that anyone who wishes to vote *against*, to request that we consider further nominations or to object to the process of virtual election contact me by the beginning of next week (Mon 28 April).


If I receive no objections to the process or to the candidates, can I ask that we consider both Aine and Sara elected? I will circulate an email confirming the election if it is carried.


Our warm thanks again to both Anna and Michi for all their hard work for WIGS.


Thanks in advance for participating in the virtual election,



Dr Lyn Marven

Lecturer in German, Director of Postgraduate Teaching

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University of Liverpool

Chatham Street

Liverpool L69 7ZR

Tel: +44 151 794 2754