

Dear Colin
> I have a question about Karl Friston’s 1997 paper “
> Testing for Anatomically Specified Regional Effects.” I was 
> wondering if anyone has created code to implement the correction. 
> This correction is ideal given our data, but I’m unsure about 
> how to go about implementing the correction myself. The problem is, 
> as mentioned in the paper, that our functional activation is 
> approximate to the anatomically predefined area of interest but is 
> not completely within this region. However, a whole brain correction 
> is too stringent, and seems inappropriate in this case.

You are looking for a 'small volume correction', i.e. exploring the activation in an a-priori defined area.
That option is in fact implemented in SPM. When exploring the results, you should move the pointer to the area of interest (or use a predifined a mask) and use the 'S.V.C.' (SPM2) or 'small volume' (SPM5) button.

Good luck,


Karsten Specht, PhD

Department of Biological and Medical Psychology
& National Competence Centre for functional MRI
University of Bergen
Jonas Lies vei 91
5009 Bergen
Tel.: +47-555-86279
Fax: +47-555-89872
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