

It distresses me to say this, but in a certain sense I like it. I
think as a torrent of rhetoric it has force. I can hear in my mind the
accent of a particularised voice. I don't think it's entirely
shapeless, the prose paragraphs seem to end in the right places,
rhythmically, the writer seems aware enough of breath that one would
be able to read the poem aloud from the text without having to create
pauses where none are indicated, the parts in verse mostly  (but not
all) seem to fall to their line ends ok.
Having said that, I think, yes, it's rhetoric, not poetry, but at
least it has some character of voice, it feels as if it was written by
a living someone, I've seen a lot worse.

The write-up about it that Anny quoted is indeed truly awful!!!

(Hey, btw, I only discovered this the other day, T.S.Eliot used to do
the blurbs for Faber and Faber poetry and poetry related books
himself. So, for instance, he did the ones for The White Goddess and
The Hawk in the Rain. I likes it!)



2008/5/7 Frederick Pollack <[log in to unmask]>:
> Today's poem from the Poetry Daily website,  A work of such transcendent badness I had to share it with all of you.  And this pointless shapeless self-indulgent garbage is PRAISED by the cretins of the mainstream.

David Bircumshaw
Website and A Chide's Alphabet
The Animal Subsides
Leicester Poetry Society: