

With apologies for cross posting

The University of Strathclyde
3 - 5 September 2008
"Classification and subject retrieval in the 21st century"
"You can't make jelly without a mould"

Dear all,
The CIG conference 2008 web pages are now available at:

Online booking is now open. 

135 years after Melvil Dewey first had the idea for his classification
scheme and with the exponential growth of new information storage and
retrieval systems we are still wrestling with finding the right way to
get things in order - on the shelves and in those very systems - and
then to enable people to find them when they search. This conference is
intended to explore current developments in classification and subject
retrieval. The conference programme will cover both the longstanding
methods - such as traditional classification schemes - right up to
social networking and 'bleeding edge' ideas. The conference will also
include the CIG AGM and Annual Standards Forum.

Following a call for papers, the conference programme is now in place.
Papers will be considered for publication in Catalogue and Index
following the conference. Powerpoint or similar presentation files, that
accompany papers, will be published on the CIG website.

The varied programme of presentations and updates on standards will be
complemented by opportunities to network with fellow professionals.

Posted by

Andrew Coburn
Acquisitions & Cataloguing Manager
Essex Libraries
Adults, Health and Community Wellbeing
Essex County Council
Goldlay Gardens
tel. 01245 244957
01245 284981 ext 255
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