

Please book soon if you would like to attend this training day at the Wallace Collection. 

Evaluating and user testing online learning resources 21 May

Jointly organised by the E-Learning Group and the Visitor Studies Group
Evaluation and user testing of e-learning resources are critical for their success but do we always spend enough time and effort on getting this right? This day (aimed at a basic level) will offer examples of good practice in this area as well as practical advice on how to evaluate and user-test effectively.
Date: Wed May 21st 2008
Time: 10am to 4.30pm

Venue: The Wallace Collection, Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN Tel: 020 7563 9549|W1U%203BN

Draft programme:

10.00 - 10.25 Registration plus coffee/tea and pastries

10.25 - 10.30 Introduction to the day and to the practical workshops (Martin Bazley, ELG and Yvonne Harris, VSG)

10.30 - 10.55 General introduction to evaluation and audience consultation (Nicky Boyd)

10.55-11.20 Evaluating and user testing online learning resources (Martin Bazley)

11.20-11.35 Break

11.35-12.00 Wallace Collection e-learning resources and user testing

12.00-12.30 Case Study - Use the web to extend the gallery experience (Alex Birch/Science Museum)

12.30-1.30 Lunch (participants to arrange own lunch, details of local cafes will be provided)

1.00-2.00 Workshop A / B

2.00-3.00 Workshop choice B / A - the other workshop


Workshop A: Crit room usability testing - Martin Bazley

Workshop B: Webstats: what they can and can’t tell you - Yvonne Harris

3.00-3.15 Coffee/tea plus cake

3.15-3.45 Case study

3.45-4.15 Panel Discussion - Can we assess the impact of online learning in the cultural sector?

4.15-4.30 Summing up, final questions, evaluation

Booking information

Costs: E-Learning Group and Visitor Studies Group members £45 / non-members £65 / concessions (full-time student, unwaged or retired) £30 (morning and afternoon refreshments included, lunch not included - there are cafes nearby or bring a packed lunch)

Cancellation: 7-14 days before event 50% fee payable. Later than 7 days before event full fee still payable unless place filled in time

Booking: [log in to unmask]

Martin Bazley
Chair, E-Learning Group for Museums, Libraries and Archives
0780 3580 727