Dear ECS students,

The present ECS website is already more than 15 years old. In the past few years more and more members, mainly students, have asked for more interactive features such as discussion groups, document collaboration, chat. Due to the technology used by the present website this has not been possible.

Right now some friends and I are working on web 2.0 based technologies that would facilitate co-operation and innovation by research groups. This would enhance sharing of knowledge, distributing lab results and research protocols, questions and answers, all within the confines of marine mammal research. We would do so outside of the ECS as a society; this would be an independent service to the marine mammal research community, starting with the ECS members. Taking part would be for free for now or, maybe later on, for very little.

If we were to open up such facilities would you be interested in taking part? Please reply to this message, even if you are not interested. We want to estimate if it would be worth our troubles.

Jan Willem Broekema
(here not as ECS web editor but as ECS member)

"Don't fall in love with some nice looking marine biologist"
-  Sandra Bullock as Lucy Kelson in Two Weeks Notice (2002)