

Dear Crisis Forum

I am researching the story of how the idea of two degrees centigrade 
of warming came to be accepted as a dangerous limit, how that idea has 
influenced and informed the climate debate, shaped the work of 
campaigners, and why European politicians have used the idea to define 
policy responses. 

I would like to talk to people whose work assumes 2 degrees of warming 
to be a dangerous limit and people who have knowledge/experience of 
the climate science/policy interface.

I am assuming it would take about 45 minutes to run through the 
questions I want to ask, and this could be done by phone or email.
(face - to face is the ideal but I have limited resources in terms of 
cash and time so unless you are close to me here at Sussex University 
then I would favour the remote methods described above).

Many thanks for your time and any help you can offer

Best wishes

Chris Shaw
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