

On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Malcolm J. Currie wrote:

>> Interesting other snippets are SUN/69 (reading CDROMs), SUN/182 (EMAIL),
>> SUN/71 (IKON paint).
> SUN/71 was originally (1985) ADC.  That's another document that MDL
> recycled.  Is it too late to restore the original documents and give the
> newer documents new numbers in sequence?  It shouldn't be too hard to
> fix up the hyperlinks and references internally.  Could Google to see
> the external usage.  A job for SMURFIT Kappa Recycling UK?

I have no objection to documents being repatriated if they have clashed 
with a previous document.

One issue is what to do with the RAL document server. We really need that 
cgi code committed to subversion so that we have the possibility of moving 
the server if need be.

>> Something to do on a rainy day (copy them to docs/obsolete).
> So we can expect these real soon now, given Hilo weather?  (-: By
> "something" do you want to recover the software as well as the
> documentation?

I'm always in favour of putting the software in subversion in the obsolete 
tree if it is found. For posterity if nothing else.

I only have access to those documents so the documents were the only 
things I could address. (I have no idea whether those historical documents 
are the most recent versions).

> Some of the manuals we have in docs/sun should be moved to the obsolete
> tree too.  The SGPs are of historical interest, and anyone who
> wants to reinvent a Starlink-like system in another discpline might
> benefit from studying them.

As Richard Prestage tried to do recently.

Tim Jenness
JAC software