

Dear SPMers,
When I run DARTEL, I got the following error,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> begin <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Running "Run DARTEL (create Templates)"
Error running job: Error using ==> mrdivide
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v945), function "subfun" at line 111.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\@file_array\subsasgn.m" (v945), function "subsasgn" at line 66.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\@nifti\subsasgn.m" (v253), function "fun" at line 74.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\@nifti\subsasgn.m" (v253), function "subsasgn" at line 20.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\@nifti\subsasgn.m" (v253), function "subsasgn" at line 37.
In file "D:\spm\spm5\toolbox\DARTEL\spm_dartel_template.m" (v1061), function "spm_dartel_template" at line 76.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Any comments are greatly welcome to solve this problem.
Best wishes,