

Dear Mina,

I'm not DCM expert but before you get anwers from experts I think this 
paper could be helpful to answer your questions.

Heim S, Eickhoff SB, Ischebeck AK, Friederici AD, Stephan KE, Amunts K 
(2007) Effective connectivity of the left BA 44, BA 45, and inferior 
temporal gyrus during lexical and phonological decisions identified with 
DCM. Hum Brain Mapp.


Mina Khoshnejad a écrit :

> Hello,
> For group analysis in DCM, do we have to select VOI, for each subject 
> and each run seperately (according to the GLM results for each run)? 
> It takes a long time to do that, and also there is always variations 
> across subjects and not all subjects show the excat same pattern. so 
> the VOI might vary a bit from subject to subject.
> What is the general approach to select VOI for a group DCM?
> Many thanks for your answer in advance.
> Mina
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