Dear List,
in spm_defaults.m, one can change settings for creating a mask of the brain (to exclude analysis of out of brain voxels) using defaults.mask.thresh, which defaults to 0.8. For quite a few analyses, I need lower values. This is especially when using parallel imaging (SENSE), that leads to pretty strong intensity gradients in an image, leading to masking out of some in-brain voxels when using 0.8.
However, what I'm looking for is an option to set this masking default (and, for that matter, any other default setting from spm_defaults) in the job-manager menu, for use with spm_jobman('run',myjobs). Any other method not needing permanent alterations of the spm5 code would also be worthwile. I looked for it but couldn't locate it in the jobmanager.
That would be much more practical than changing spm_defaults.m every time, and would allow logging of what was actually done. Besides, we use one central SPM5 version for the whole group, and changing spm_defaults.m for one study would change it for all users, where I would like to change it per study depending on the acquisition technique used.
In spm2 one could symply use
global defaults
defaults.mask.thresh=<something else>;
after launching spm2, and the altered threshold would be used.
In spm5, I found that spm_defaults is called every time a model is specified or estimated, so the above doesn't work anymore.
Any suggestions?
Kind regards,

Dr. S.F.W. Neggers
Division of Brain Research
Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience
Utrecht University Medical Center

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