Dear all,
I have a question about the AC-PC alignment.
In the previous version like SPM99, we have to align the anatomy image as fitting the AC-PC line.
I heard that I don't have to do the AC-PC alignment in SPM5.
But, I am worrying that I have rotated image like the attached file comparing to the file that I aligned in the SPM99.
Is it OK just using this rotated image or aligning this image?
If I have to align this image, do you know the exact criterions that I have to keep when changing?
Also, there are som conversion options when I transform Dicom files to header files with MRIcro.
When I analyze the data with AFNI, I have to check the 'FlipX(left/right)' option in my data.
Then, is it same in the case of SPM?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Woogul Lee