

Paddy Fumerton has asked me to pass on to the list the sad news that  
Richard Helgerson, after a valiant--a truly extraordinarily  
courageous--battle with pancreatic cancer has died. His grace under  
this pressure was both heartbreaking and heart-strengthening. He was  
teaching and working almost to the very end, sustained by the  
friendship and love of many, not least Paddy herself, and I like to  
think still warmed by the thought of the Spenser Society's tribute to  
him and our panel in his honor at the MLA. He is survived by his  
family but also by his wonderful books and his many grateful students  
and colleagues. I am copying Paddy in case anyone wants to reach her.  
She asked me to add the url on which you can find an obit: http://
      Anne Prescott.