Dear Cynthia,
My apologies.  I chickened out of showing ‘Rock-climbers’; I guess it’s time I put my paintings ‘out there’ if I’m going to talk about them.  I shall rectify that.  I noted that Alan’s didn’t appear in the text either but he has set up a separate website for his wonderful pictures.

Thank you for this code of ethics, which is really a framework for decision-making and living.  I had often wondered about the Native American way of being, its forms, it sprituality.  I am impressed by Sitting Bull’s Vision and how he captured it and painted it.  I often use client’s dreams and visions as the starting point for paintings – and of course my own too.  Regarding the student who wanted to be in the choir.  Educationally, it seems highly appropriate to have such ‘poorly performing student’ in a choir.  The arts can foster hope in the poorly performing student, and increase their performance in other areas.  So you seem to be trying to reconcile your personal ethics with a school whose power-base has a dubious code.  You trod your way through that minefield rather well, I thought.

My own areas of investigation is art-based research and art-based decision-making.  Not that art is the sole criteria for judgement.  Of course, ethics comes into everything.  But try telling industry, or church abusers and child molesters to behave ethically!  If only industry held to your ethical standards!

I am a member of a group called FACK (Famailies Against Corporate Killers).  Your comments on the legal system - judicial decisions are different for people outside of the power base of society, than for the powerful - applies here in the UK too.  Poor families are denied fairness and natural justice in the service of the bosses and industry.  Families are the new sacrificial lambs, the scapegoats ruined in the service of a healthy economy.

Somehow, in my life, while I take responsibility for my own actions I am left devastated by the actions of others.  Art therapy seems to be a way of picking up the shattered pieces and making them whole again.
Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Cozette Lee <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:36:18 +0100
Subject: Re: The Simplistic Nature of Favouritism - and How It Produces 'Junk' (fwd)

Dear Christine, Alan and All:
Three points I would like to make.....
I did not receive the image Rock Climber,
nor the other images.
However, am in agreement with your statements.

Do you think perhaps the central theme
is concerning "ethics" and how we need to
view ourselves in relationship to existence?
"Dancing gyroscopically...." sums it up
very well.

Meanwhile, you may want to go on
and review the video "Is God Necessary for Ethics?"
It questions your beliefs.

Lastly, the Native American (Indian) tradition does consider
dreams as a powerful means of explaining how we need
to perceive reality. For those of you who were at the
New York City AERA Workshop on Action Research and
remembered my concern over completing my ethics
report I am attaching a copy for your review. It
discusses my personal code of ethics (based on the
Native American Medicine Wheel concept and the 14 virtues from Catholism)
and my professional code of ethics based on the Interstate School
Leadership Licensure Committee Standards (ISLLCS) standard number five. I
hope the animal images download on your computer.


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