

>The fallback position (which we will be using ourselves if a more general
>approach is not available in time) is to select from the federation
>metadata the scopes of all IdP organisations of interest.  The metadata
>contains both the verified name of the organisation (which can be
>compared with the lists Sean Dunne mentioned) and the scope.  The SP
>then has to authorise based on eduPersonScopedAffiliation having one of
>the selected scopes (and member, staff, student etc. as required).


Ok. I can now use either of the following solution. I now just need to
create the list based on the list provided by Sean Dunne and the verified
name of the organization. Both solutions work fine. The only thing which I
find strange is that the member scope does not include staff or student.
According to your ppt presentation
(, the
member scope should include staff or student as well as few others ?

Solution 1:

require affiliation [log in to unmask]
require affiliation [log in to unmask]

Solution 2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <AccessControl xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:target:config:1.0">
               <Rule require="affiliation">[log in to unmask]</Rule>
               <Rule require="affiliation">[log in to unmask]</Rule>
               <Rule require="affiliation">[log in to unmask]</Rule>
