

Russ one potential "cheat" that I think would work is  to use fslmaths to
add a L or an R to your original image (just draw one in FSLVIEW)  and just
follow it through the processing pipeline.  I don't know why programs just
don't let you pick a blank area within your FOV but not within the brain to
allow this sort of thing easily, but it should be pretty easy if you play
aroudn with fslmaths input_image -add LEFT_MARKER  input_image_with_marker


On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Russell Poldrack <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Sorry to clutter your mailboxes with more questions about nifti, but I am
> trying to make sure that I am correctly understanding things.  We have a
> preprocessing script that was originally developed to work with Analyze
> images, but some of our users have since used it with Nifti as their output
> type.  I am certain that the resulting orientation is correct, but I want to
> make sure that I completely understand what is happening when people go from
> analyze to nifti.  Here is the stream:
> 1.  Convert from DICOM to Analyze 3D using the LONI Debabeler
> - this creates images stored in radiological convention, but they do not
> have the customary negative X dimension value for FSL.
> 2.  create 4D file
> - when this was done using fsl 3 with analyze as the output type, the
> files would automatically have the x dimension set to negative, and thus
> header and data were in sync
> - however, when output type is set to nifti, the resulting nifti images
> have a positive sform and are classified by fslorient as neurological;
> header and data are thus out of sync
> 3.  do preprocessing and first-level analysis
> - throughout these steps, the derivative nifti images retain the
> neurological format
> 4.  create registered images at 2nd level
> - at this point, the resulting registered images now have a header that
> specifies radiological storage.  it would appear that data and header are
> back in sync, assuming that no flipping occurred during registration.
> What I need to confirm is that the second-level analysis is NOT flipping
> the actual data in the move from neurological to radiological convention.  I
> am pretty certain that this is the case (since the motor cortex activation
> shows up on the correct side in the registered maps) but I want to make
> absolutely sure that there is not something else happening that I am
> missing.
> thanks!
> russ
> ---
> Russell A. Poldrack, Ph.d.
> Associate Professor
> Wendell Jeffrey and Bernice Wenzel Term Chair in Behavioral Neuroscience
> UCLA Department of Psychology
> Franz Hall, Box 951563
> Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563
> phone: 310-794-1224
> fax: 310-206-5895
> email: [log in to unmask]
> web:

David A Gutman, M.D. Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine