Please distribute widely - apologies for cross posting


Feelings of P/pride


This event will bring together the multiple possibilities of P/pride.  Moving between understanding pride as an emotion, affect and feeling and Pride as an annual LGBT Festival and the potentials as an ongoing political movement, the conference will address a range of audiences.  Taking place on the Friday of Brighton pride week, the day before the parade and park events, the first pride conference will seek to be lively, interactive and stimulating.

Engaging with the contemporary ethos of Pride in Brighton and Hove, the conference will offer a chance to celebrate LGBT identities and histories.  However, in addressing the critical impulses of the academy and wider political movements that challenge contemporary manifestations of p/Pride, the conference will also include critical explorations of P/pride and shame. Using the key speakers to introduce topics and participatory workshops and spaces, the conference will seek to offer alternative ways of understanding, knowing and engaging.


This call for participation is the first to highlight the conference.  Although there will be no official paper session participants will be invited to participate in a range of activities that address the conference theme. Although this conference is not ‘paper based’ the journal Emotion, Space and Society is interested in publishing outcomes from the conference.  This will be further discussed on the day and the open space will enable some dialogue around the theme of the day.


Places are limited so please book early, closing date for registrations is 20th June 2008.


The conference is organised by the Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network (BSSN) which seeks to bring together a range of people who are interested in sexualities research.  BSSN operates across the Universities of Brighton and Sussex and within the wider Brighton and Sussex communities.  It is supported by Pride in Brighton & Hove, University of Brighton and University of Sussex.


Draft timetable (may be subject to revision):

Thursday 31st July 2008

Evening social event/wine reception


Friday 1st August 2008 – Friends meeting House Brighton


9.00- 10.00 Tea/coffee, registration


10.00-10.30 Welcome and Introductions


10.30-12.30 Histories of Pride/Shame

Brighton OurStory

Alan Sinfield and Vincent Quinn

Models of Becoming: conduct books and life writing

A dialogue about the lifestyle writers who aim to give us pride in ourselves


12.30-1.00 lunch


1.00-2.00 Al Start Lunchtime concert


2.15-4.00 What about shame?

Sara Ahmed, Sally Munt


4.00-6.00 Open Space

This will be an opportunity to run workshops, have informal conversations and actively create interactive spaces around topics that you are interested in.


The Friday of Pride week is always full of a diverse range of events and we invite delegates to enjoy the evening in Brighton. Informal arrangements can be made for dinner, or if something more collective is desired this will be booked.




Thursday 31st July Evening social event

Friday 1st August 2008 from 9.30, Brighton (at the Friends meeting house).

Cost: £20 fully waged, £10 low/unwaged



Please register for the conference by completing a booking form available from [log in to unmask] and paying a non-refundable deposit of £10. Registration for the conference covers entry to the conference and all refreshments. Lunch will not be provided, but there are many local places where food can be purchased.

Places at the conference are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis with a registration form and a non-refundable payment. When the conference is full a reserve list will be started and places allocated when they become available.



Accommodation in Brighton during the Pride weekend is difficult please book well in advance.  Thursday night will be less busy than Friday night in the cities hotels.

Camping is available over the Pride weekend. (see for some accommodation details)



Access needs, please detail any access needs you may have and we will endeavour to make sure the conference is accessible for you.


For further details or to book your place please contact:

Kath Browne [log in to unmask]



Dr. Kath Browne,

Senior Lecturer,

School of the Environment,

Cockcroft Building,

Lewes Road,


BN2 4GJ,


Tel: +44 1273 642377

Email: [log in to unmask]