

Hola Pedro

It is a pleasure to set a communication link with you. 

I have used the TCU SEST scales in a study evaluating the influence of treatment readiness at intake on participation in treatment, psychosocial changes and retention and treatment completion. This was carried out with 63 clients in a residential therapeutic community (TC Phoenix) in Bulgaria and is due to be published in the not too distant future (in Bulgarian). I am also looking into the possibility of evaluating the psychometric qualities of the Bulgarian translation of the above mentioned scales.   

The scales are designed to be administered at intake. However, if you wanted to monitor changes in motivation, for example, over the treatment period (and the interaction of these changes with clients' participation in different programme elements, e.g encounter groups, seminars) you could repeatedly administer relevant sub-scales - e.g Problem Recognition, Desire for Change - at different time points - at three and/or six months in treatment. Will all depend on your research question 

Good luck and do not hesitate to contact me - very interested in hearing about your experiences at Phoenix Haga and your research plans with Tony and Bente!



-----Original Message-----
From: Therapeutic Communities on behalf of Pedro Moreira
Sent: Fri 28/03/08 10:13
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EFTC] Validating the multi-dimensional changes of the recovery process

Hello all!
Me and Bente, which is also a member of this forum, were, the other day, going over the Self Rating at Intake, a scale we shall use here at Phoenix. Speaking with Tony, he told me that Teodora Groshkova was the person that could better inform us about this scale. So, we ask if you, Teodora, could shed some more light regarind this scale, and, of course, anyone that has used it. Like the number of times the same person answered it, as well as the most significative findings, and other things you might consider important.
We were also wondering which other scales other TCs use to validate the multi-dimensional changes of the recovery process, so if you can tell us something about that, it would be nice. When I was in Arco-Íris TC, back in Pt, we used the NEO-PI-R, and it was a good scale, providing us with good information.
Well thank you for your patience, and have a good friday!
Abraço, Pedro