

Hi Andre,

I only just saw your mail:

> after Realign & Unwarp (and Realignment) SPM creates a figure which shows the realignment parameters for all sessions. I find this quite informative and would like to save these plots automatically for each participant during batch processing (SPM5). Is there an easy way to do this?

I do not know, but faced with the same question I opted for the second 

> If that's too tricky, is there an easy way to re-generate these plots later on (script-based)?

The following works for me, it may give you an idea on where to start:

res = 96;
filt = ['^rp_*','.*\.txt$'];
a = spm_select(Inf,'any','Select realignment parameters',[],pwd,filt);
for i = 1:size(a,1)
   b = a(i,:);
   [p nm  e v] = fileparts(b);
   printfig = figure;
   set(printfig, 'Name', ['Motion parameters: subject ' num2str(ij)'],...
     'Visible', 'off');
   title(['Data from ' p], 'interpreter', 'none');
   mydate = date;
   motname = ['motion_sub_' sprintf('%02.0f', i) '_' mydate '.png'];
   print(printfig, '-dpng', '-noui', ['-r' num2str(res)], motname);

It regenerates the plots and saves them as png files in the current work 
directory. Hope this helps,
Marko Wilke                                            (
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Universitäts-Kinderklinik              University Children's Hospital
Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)             Dept. III (Pediatric neurology)
             Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1, D - 72076 Tübingen
Tel.: (+49) 07071 29-83416                   Fax: (+49) 07071 29-5473