


May be of interest:

Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Large-Scale Complex Systems
An inter-disciplinary Summer School on Complex Systems

Ambleside, The English Lake District
August 30-September 8, 2008
Application deadline 1st May

The school will focus on how to understand dynamical effects in and the
evolution of complex systems. Examples include organisation and
regulation of chemical processes in cells, evolution of technologies and
complex social structures and evolution of climate. Topics of study
begin with the foundations of: adaptive systems, networks, dynamical
systems and fractals, and computational modelling. Advanced lectures
include modelling complexity in social systems, neural systems, climate
change, and biological systems.

About the School:

The summer school will take place in at St. Martin's College in
Ambleside, situated in the English lake district, in a beautiful
location by Lake Windermere. The course is residential-the students,
organisers and lecturers will live at the college during the nine days
of the course. The course consists of lectures on foundation topics,
lectures on research topics by international researchers, and group
project work.

Who should apply:

Young researchers: PhD students in mathematical sciences who want to
learn how their quantative skills could be applied to complex problems;
PhD students starting research in complex problems (e.g. in biology,
social science or computation) who need introductions to quantitative
methods they may use; postdocs and industrial researchers.