

Dear colleagues,

As you may know, the deadline for abstract submission to the 33rd IGC in 
Oslo has been postponed until the 7 March.

I also want to draw your attention that due to the possible interference 
with the IAVCEI meeting in Iceland the week after IGC, our 
magma-tectonic session has been schedule at the end of the conference 
(13-14 August).

If you missed the former deadline, you still have a chance to submit 
your abstracts in our session:

MPV-06 - The construction/destruction of magmatic and volcanic systems: 
New insights into magma-tectonic and volcano-tectonic processes in the
Earth's crust.

Our aim is to discuss the processes governing the emplacement of magma 
in the Earth’s crust, with a particular attention to the role of 
tectonic and non-tectonic deformation in the country rock.

We will have two invited speakers:

Richard Ernst (Ernst Geosciences, Canada).
Title: The plumbing system of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)

Carl Stevenson (University of Birmingham).
Title: AMS udes to delineate lateral granite magma flow and emplacement 
in the crust.

We look forward to seeing you in Oslo!

Olivier Galland and Eoghan Holohan

Magmatic and volcanic activity is intimately linked to the deformation
of the Earth's crust on local and regional scales. Mechanisms of magma
transport, storage, and eruption, and of the associated construction
and destruction of volcanic systems, have been studied for decades,
but many interlinked aspects are still debated. These include: 1) the
geometric evolution of sub-volcanic plutons and plumbing systems; 2)
the interactions between stress, fracturing, intrusion, and eruption;
3) the control of regional-tectonic regimes on the ascent, emplacement
and eruption of magma; 4) the structural evolution of volcanic
edifices, including calderas, maars, shields, and strato-volcanoes.

This session invites contributions providing new insights into the
processes of magma ascent, emplacement and eruption, and into the
mechanical relationships between volcanoes, sub-volcanic intrusions,
and crustal deformation. The session will bring together and help
further integrate approaches such as field study, petrology and
geochemistry, experimental and numerical modelling, remote sensing,
geodesy and geophysics, to improve our understanding of the physical
development of magmatic and volcanic systems.

submission deadline is February 29th 2008

Further details concerning, abstract submission, registration, the
Geohost stipend, the IGC 2008 scientific programme, etc. may be found