

Dear Colleagues

Apologies for adding to the flood of e-mails about IGC!

This message is about Session UHP-04 "Ultra-high pressure  
metamorphism: Mineral reactions,  geochemistry, thermobarometry and  

Due to some difficulties experienced with the abstract submission  
system last Friday, the deadline has now been extended again to 7th  
March. If you have had problems with the website that prevented you  
from submitting, please now try again. If you have further problems,  
please e-mail your abstract directly to me as a reply to this e-mail.  
If you would like to make a last-minute decision to submit to our  
session, your contribution will be very welcome!

With best wishes,

Simon J Cuthbert
School of Engineering & Science
University of the West of Scotland
Paisley PA1 2BE
United Kingdom

Tel. +44 141 848 3263
Fax +44 141 848 3663
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