Dear colleagues,
White mustard (Sinapis alba) is a rare phenomenon in Northwestern Europe during the Roman Period. The discovery of several seeds in the Dutch site Leiden-Roomburg has led me to a short search for parallels. The VHA overviews of archaeobotanical literature by Kroll mention (at least...) two relevant publications:

Dickson C (1994) Macroscopic fossils of garden plants from British Roman and medieval deposits. In: Moe E, Dickson JH, Jorgensen PM (eds), Garden plants, species, forms and varities from Pompeii to 1800. Pact 42, Rixensart, Belgium, pp 47-72


Knörzer K-H, Gerlach R, Meurers-Balke J, Kalis AJ, Tegtmeier U, Becker WD, Jürgens A (1999) Pflanzenspuren. Archäobotanik im Rheinland: Agrarlandschaft und Nutzpflanzen im Wandel der Zeiten. Mat Bodendenkmalpflege Rheinland 10. Köln - Bonn, 185 pp

My problem now is that I have access here to neither of them. My first question concerns the locations and dates mentioned for Sinapis alba in these two publications (the first one even might be only medieval). The second question is if there are any other finds circulating in our community from the Roman Period in Northwestern Europe.
With kind regards,

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