

I am attempting to use SPM2 to normalise FLAIR (a T2 weighted acquisiton
but with CSF suppression) scans for the purpose of lesion identification
in multiple sclerosis. I used the following parameters:

Preserve concentrations
Bounding box- template
Voxel sizes 2x2x2
Interpolation method 4th degree b-spline
No wrap

... and attempted to normalise FLAIR images (both with and without brain
extraction) to a number of different templates (T1, T2, EPI, PD).

I keep getting the following error message:

'There is not enough overlap in the images to obtain a solution. Please
check that your header information is OK'.

Does anyone know what could be causing this, and whether changing any of
the default options could fix it?

Clare Bajraszewski
Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne, AUS