

> I am doing some fMRI analysis and have noticed that after normalization and
> smoothing I have a voxel size 2x2x2 but after estimation I notice when
> viewing my spmT image that the voxel size of some of my images have changed
> to -2x2x2.  Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Will it cause
> problems in my data or can I combine both image types together (ie treat
> 2x2x2 and -2x2x2 as the same)?  Thanks

This sounds worrying as it is the sort of thing that shouldn't happen with 
correct use of SPM.  How did you determine the voxel sizes? Did the flip 
settings change at any point?  Which version of SPM?

If you do a search through the archives for keywords "neurological and 
radiological"  or maybe "flip", then you should find some of the related 
answers.  I would suggest narrowing the search to those more recent answers 
(to avoid most of the old SPM99 stuff).

Best regards,