

Thank you Sirs as the information was useful...

On 1/31/08, Volkmar Glauche <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Niranjan Kambi,

SPM does not "decide" anything regarding spatial orientation itself.
Orientation is encoded in the image files (see a description of the
NIfTI file format) as a mapping from voxel coordinates within a 3D image
to world coordinates. If you are using SPM DICOM import, world
coordinate system usually corresponds to the scanner XYZ coordinate
system. You can modify this mapping by e.g. "Reorient Image" in Display
or CheckReg.
SPM templates and glass brain for human brains are stored in MNI space,
where the origin is at AC.


Am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2008, 01:24 +0530 schrieb neeru K:
> Dear Sirs,
> Thank you for the response.
> I have a related query which is that How does the SPM software know
> where is the 0,0,0 at the Ear Bar Zero or Anterior Commisure in a
> image that is provided to it in general.
> And in my case it is the BOLD activations of a monkey brain. So how
> does SPM decide to the AC in this case.
> I am studying the SPM codes as pointed out by you.
> Thanking you
> regards
> On 1/29/08, Volkmar Glauche <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
>         Dear Niranjan Kambi,
>         the part of SPM code you may want to look at is spm_mip.m and
>         spm_mip_ui.m. The MIP background is stored as a MATLAB
>         variable in
>         MIP.mat.
>         Hope this helps,
>         Volkmar
>         Am Montag, den 28.01.2008, 20:55 +0530 schrieb neeru K:
>         > Dear SPMers,
>         > I am trying to map the somatosensory cortex of monkeys using
>         fMRI and
>         > using SPM5 to analyze the data. I wanted some information on
>         how SPM
>         > puts or maps the BOLD activations onto the glass brain
>         template of
>         > Results sheet in SPM in general (in my case its the BOLD
>         activations
>         > in monkey brain).
>         >
>         > Thanks in advance
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         > --
>         > Niranjan Kambi
>         > SRF, Neeraj Lab,
>         > National Brain Research Centre
>         > Manesar, Gurgaon-122050
>         > Haryana, INDIA
>         > Ph:+919818654846
>         --
>         Volkmar Glauche
>         Freiburg Brain Imaging
>         Phone +49(0)761 270-5331
>         Fax   +49(0)761 270-5416
> --
> Niranjan Kambi
> SRF, Neeraj Lab,
> National Brain Research Centre
> Manesar, Gurgaon-122050
> Haryana, INDIA
> Ph:+919818654846
Volkmar Glauche

Freiburg Brain Imaging
Phone +49(0)761 270-5331
Fax   +49(0)761 270-5416

Niranjan Kambi
SRF, Neeraj Lab,
National Brain Research Centre
Manesar, Gurgaon-122050
Haryana, INDIA