

It is worth opening up your CILIP Update this month. Letter of the month goes to Jeff Skinner for "NLH - a national service, delivered locally? But accountable to whom?"

The title reflects the content of the letter (which is more than can be said for some of the letters I have had published !). This is a topic in which some of us are interested (to put it mildly!), but the dispassionate style of the letter may attract others who have previously been put off the debate.


Gordon Smith
The Sally Howell Library
Epsom General Hospital
Dorking Road
Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7EG
Tel. 01372-735688, Fax 01372-735687

"Genuine knowledge is egalitarian 
in that it allows no privileged source,
testers, messengers of Truth.
It tolerates no privileged or circumscribed data.
The autonomy of knowledge is a leveller."
 - Ernest Gellner, "Plough, Sword and Book".