

Call For Papers:

SAINT2008 Workshop on

Heuristic Methods for the Design, Deployment, and Reliability of
Networks and Network Applications

(HEUNET 2008)

Turku, Finland
July 28 - August 1, 2008

in conjunction with the "2008 International Symposium on Applications
and the Internet" (SAINT'08)


The widespread of the internet has given further opportunities for
providing new services and web-based applications. However, such
applications are often accompanied by a high complexity, and the
number of standards, to which an application must follow, is rapidly
increasing. Representing related problems as optimization problems
will often not find an exact analytical solution anymore, and the
need for advanced heuristic techniques becomes prevalent. Heuristic
techniques provide a wealth of methods to handle tasks in complex
application domains. Among such techniques we can find evolutionary
computation, tabu search, simulated annealing, as well as many hybrid
and ensemble approaches and others.

This workshop will focus on heuristic methods to tangent the needs of
modern internet-based applications and their underlying networking
layer. It is supposed to bring together researchers from different
communities with the similar need, and to provide a base for
scientific exchange of research ideas.

TOPICS OF INTEREST are, among other, heuristic methods for

- network design
- handling networking problems by graph theory
- QoS solutions
- modeling of network-based services
- scaling of networks
- human-machine interface
- digital convergence
- user modeling
- network bottleneck identification
- efficient content delivery schemes
- service authentication and authorization schemes
- service scheduling
- network security
- service and content retrieval and ranking
- debugging of internet-based applications


Workshop papers should be within 4 pages, no extra page is allowed.
The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published,
in separated volumes, by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Please
follow the instruction on the web below where authors can find Page
Form and appropriate pointers for LaTeX Macros. > Information for Authors


Papers should be submitted on-line no later than March 1, 2008. The
submission site can be reached at

After a review process by Organizers and Program Committee of the
Workshop, authors of accepted papers will be requested to send its
final manuscript to IEEE-CS press no later than May 1, 2008. So,
authors are kindly requested to submit papers as early as possible to
facilitate a review process.


Workshop Paper Submission: March 1, 2008
Workshop Paper Notification: March 30, 2008
Workshop Final Manuscript: May 1, 2008
Workshop: Jul 28 - Aug 1, 2008 (exact date is TBD)


It is the IEEE policy that accepted papers can be published only when
IEEE recognized that at least one author has registered for

So, authors will be requested to register along with the final
manuscript. SAINT Conference Registration fees include a copy of the
Conference proceedings, a copy of the Workshop proceedings, and
admission to the Conference/Workshop sessions.

The date and length (a full or half day) of the Workshop will be
decided by SAINT2008 Organizing Committee taking account of the
number submitted of papers, and be notified on the SAINT2008 web.
Please also note that, according to the SAINT2008 Organizing
Committee, the Workshop is subject to cancellation when the number
submitted of papers will not be enough.


Kyushu Institute of Technology
680-4, Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-8502 Japan
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +81 948 29 7626
Fax: +81 948 29 7601

Prof. Guenther RAIDL
Vienna University of Technology
Favoritenstraße 9-11 / 1861
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +43-1-58801-18616
Fax: +43-1-58801-18699


Christian Blum, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Bryant A. Julstrom, St. Cloud State University, USA
Petrica Pop, North University of Baia Mare, Romania
Mauricio Resende, AT&T Labs Research, USA
Franz Rothlauf, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany
Kei Ohnishi, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Thomas Weise, Universitaet Kassel, Germany


+- Guenther Raidl                                                  -+
+- Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms                   -+
+- Vienna University of Technology                                 -+
+- Favoritenstrasse 9-11/1861, 1040 Vienna, Austria, Europe        -+
+- email: [log in to unmask]      |  phone: +43(1)58801/18616  -+
+-       |  fax:   +43(1)58801/18699  -+