

I'm completing a manuscript of a study we recently completed on measures that evaluate EBM skills. What may help is a a recently published systematic review of 104 unique instruments for evaluating education in the skills of EBM. The reviewers found most instruments were tested on medical students and residents, and most were restricted to assessing skills in searching and critical appraisal. 
The citation is: 

Shaneyfelt T, Baum KD, Bell D, Feldstein D, Houston TK, Kaatz S, Whelan C, Green M. Instruments for evaluating education in evidence based practice. JAMA 2006;296:1116-1127.

 Fred Tudiver 
 Director for Primary Care Research 
 Director, International Center for Evidence-Based Medicine 
 Dept Family Medicine 
 James H Quillen College of Medicine 
 East Tennessee State University 
 Box 70621 
 Johnson City, TN, 37614 
 Voice: 423-439-6738 


From: Evidence based health (EBH) on behalf of Swennen, M.H.J.
Sent: Tue 2/26/2008 4:46 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: questionnaire on knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour concerning EBM?

Dear all,
If anyone could help me with my search for a good (valid) questionnaire on aspects of EBM, I would be most grateful.
I would like to measure knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviour concerning EBM, before and after an intervention in a hospital setting.
I am also looking for a comprehensive theoretical model in which this questionnaire can fit.
Thusfar, my search resulted in three questionnaires, but each comprises only just fragments of EBM:
* fresno test (Ramos et al); focused on knowledge and skills, including the first four EBM-steps (12 open ended questions)
* berlin questionnaire (Fritsche et al); focused on knowledge and skills for critical appraisal of evidence (2 sets of 15 multiple choice questions, each with similar content)
* clever nihilism (Meserve et al); focused on attitude, and on knowledge and skills for electronic searching and critical appraisal (45-items, using a four-point scale)
Thusfar, I found two potential theoretical models:
* the theory of reasoned action (Azjen & Fishbein), and its extension resulting in the theory of planned behaviour (Azjen)
* ASE model (De Vries), comprising the theories of Azjen and Bandura
Further suggestions and critiques are welcome.
Kind regards, Maartje Swennen
M.H.J. Swennen, MD MSc
Staff member Board of Directors
University Medical Centre Utrecht
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