

I would like to have a public, generic, deferred type-bound procedure  
for a type while keeping the specific (deferred) type-bound  
procedures private.   The idea is to encapsulate the names for the  
specific procedures and force clients to use the generic name.    
Unfortunately, it would appear that the standard does not support  
this style because inherited subclasses are not permitted to see the  
private procedure names.  I'm hoping that I've misunderstood, since  
this is a fairly essential aspect of style for OO programming.

Consider the following module defining an abstract derived type:

module visitor_mod

    type, abstract :: AbstractVisitor
       procedure (RealInterface),    deferred, private :: visitReal
       procedure (IntegerInterface), deferred, private :: visitInteger
       generic :: visit => visitReal, visitInteger
    end type AbstractVisitor

    abstract interface
       subroutine RealInterface(this, x, shape)
          import AbstractVisitor
          class (AbstractVisitor) :: this
          real :: x(*)
          integer :: shape(:)
       end subroutine RealInterface

       subroutine IntegerInterface(this, i, shape)
          import AbstractVisitor
          class (AbstractVisitor) :: this
          real :: i(*)
          integer :: shape(:)
       end subroutine IntegerInterface
    end interface

end module visitor_mod

! This module attempts to generate an extension of the above class,  
but fails
! because one cannot extend the private type bound procedures.
module printer_mod
    use visitor_mod

    type, abstract, extends(AbstractVisitor) :: AbstractPrinter
    end type AbstractPrinter

end module printer_mod

Hopefully I've missed something here and there is a semi-elegant  


- Tom