

> I faced problems with Edit Assignment popup (I had it before the last update
> and it is still there). I just thought it is somehow related to the thread
> above. Anyway, I found this problem while working with aromatic 3d-noesy.
> Please find details in the three files attached. They are for the same peak
> but have different options (Intra-residue and Double tolerance) Off and On.
> This prblem is not only with this particular peak. And seems I had it with
> 3d-N-noesy as well - I am not sure and will try to catch it.

Hi Vitaliy,

It is possible, if not likely that this is the aftermath of the
original ARIA export woes. If there are bizarre assignments hanging about
from the export then you will have to sort those out first. Aside from
that however, there may be bad covalent links lingering between resonances
that need clearing.

Backup the project and at the Python command line try:

from ccpnmr.analysis.AssignmentBasic import getBoundResonances
for r in top.project.currentNmrProject.resonances:
  getBoundResonances(r, recalculate=True)

If this doesn't improve the situation I suggest you send me the project
(.tgz) so I can investigate here.

I will issue some further improvements to the ARIA export code in the near
future. I have had no repeats of the isotope mismatch issue with the new
code and a reputedly problematic project. All the major issues are
certainly solved and I can't find anything else that is obvious. There may
be further problems simply because of the differences in the CCPN and ARIA
APIs. However, I have included much more protection (on both the ARIA and
Analysis sides) to prevent anything bogus.


 Dr Tim Stevens			Email: [log in to unmask]
 Department of Biochemistry            [log in to unmask]
 University of Cambridge        Phone: +44 1223 766018 (office)
 80 Tennis Court Road	               +44 7816 338275 (mobile)
 Old Addenbrooke's Site 	       +44 1223 364613 (home)
 Cambridge  CB2 1GA	   	WWWeb:
 United Kingdom
------ +NH3CH(CH(CH3)OH)C(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)CH2CH3)C(O)NHCH(CH2CH2SCH3)CO2- -------