

On Tuesday 05 February 2008 16:51, John Badger wrote:
> One suggestion on the XtalView/xfit problem is that it might be a result of 
> trying to run on a 64-bit computer. 

No, that's not it.
XtalView/Xfit runs just fine on 64-bit.

The problem is that both Fedora and Suse 10.3 currently ship with a
broken xorg library.  This is a known problem (Google for details),
but I do not know if there is a fixed version available for download.
This particular xorg build error is not present in Mandriva's rpm for
the same set of libraries; I can run Xfit just fine on both 32-bit
and 64-bit systems with it.

In principle one could perhaps re-install xorg from the Mandriva 2008
rpms to replace the one is Suse 10.3, or replace just the one library
by hand, but I would hesitate to take that route unless I was
willing to reinstall from scratch if it failed. 
Ethan A Merritt