Dear All,
HEFCE funded project for E&D specialists 2005-6
 Many of you will have been involved in supporting the HEEON, ECU, UW  project which produced 5 publications to be used by Equality and Diversity specialists and by key people with a role in supporting them. (See  and also under publications.)
We now would like  to know how you used these publicationsThey may have been  for example a useful point of reference for information, or a document you have been able to introduce to Governors/Members of Council, or use in staff development, or they may have given rise to a specific initiative. If any of these apply we would like to know. Also if you have not used them we are interested in why not.  You may also wish to indicate which, if any, additional resources would be useful to you.
 Kate Parsons, Chair of HEEON  will shortly  circulate you  with some information about this follow up project and  ask you to  share  your experience with us.
We look forward to your involvement in this piece of work. If you have already decided on the basis of this email you are willing to be contacted by us, just let me know at [log in to unmask] .  Please do not be reticent, each person's perspective is really useful to us.
 Looking forward to hearing from you.