

Is this with the latest updates for SPM5?  There have been some changes to the 
spm_dicom_convert.m code since the original release.  Some of these were to 
try to sort out putting slices together into volumes.

Best regards,

On Monday 21 January 2008 22:38, Donghoon Lee wrote:
> Dear SPMers,
> I found something weird in my spm analysis.  When I tried to convert a set
> of images which are including fuctional EPI images and an 3-D structural
> image, all the functional files were converted well but the structural file
> weren't.  It was converted into by slices!!!  It did work well before I did
> not add a special initial into a file name. All the images come from
> Siemens Trio. So, SPM dicom converter recognize structural data by a
> certain character in the original IMA data name? So, should I keep such
> long name for further analysis? I tried to find an answer through email
> archive but I couldn't find an answer... I tried to do this with spm2 and
> spm5. Both returned same results.
> Sincerely,
> Donghoon