Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (FIL)

PhD Project

Title: Decoding neuronal ensembles in the human hippocampus

Supervisor: Professor Eleanor A. Maguire

A full understanding of the neural basis of memory depends on establishing exactly how the hippocampus operates. Focal damage to other brain areas rarely impacts on the memory system in the same way as the dense and debilitating amnesia caused by significant bilateral hippocampal pathology. While there have been impressive technical strides in recording from hippocampal neurons in non-humans in greater numbers, it is not possible to record from many thousands of neurons simultaneously, and in humans opportunities for recording are very limited. However, key information may well be represented in the ensemble patterns of neuronal responses. This project will capitalise on recent developments in functional MRI analysis techniques by employing multivariate analyses that take into account the patterns of response present across multiple voxels in the human hippocampus during memory and virtual reality tasks. This opens up a range of exciting opportunities to explore in a truly novel way what information the human hippocampus represents and how and why it is so crucial to the brain’s memory system. The student will have access to state-of-the-art neuroimaging facilities and methods support in a world class intellectual environment. There will also be opportunities to conduct parallel neuropsychological studies in patients with hippocampal pathology.

The Brain research Trust (BRT) Studentships are for three years, and offer an initial stipend of £19,508 per annum, plus home tuition fees and £500 per annum for travel.  Please note, funding covers only UK/EU fees. A non-EU applicant would need to find additional funding to support the difference between the home and the overseas tuition fee.

Applications: Applications (preferably in electronic format pdf or word doc) are invited from graduates holding First or Upper Second Class Honours degrees in basic biological or physical sciences, or from final year undergraduate students expecting to be awarded similar degrees in 2008. Closing date for receipt of applications: 31st January 2008

Please submit a full curriculum vitae, including contact details of 3 referees and a statement of research interests indicating how these would complement project on offer to: Dr Jennifer Pocock, Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG. Email: [log in to unmask]

Informal enquiries to Eleanor Maguire ([log in to unmask])