

Apologies for cross posting


STOP PRESS - Two weeks til abstract deadline! 


Appearance MattersTM 3 


A two day conference highlighting current research and good practice around appearance-related issues including visible difference, information provision, education, the media, resilience, identity, weight, body image measurement, provision of care, psychosocial interventions and areas for further research.  Hosted by 


The Centre for Appearance Research 

University of the West of England, Bristol

and supported by The Healing Foundation


Dates: 1 & 2 July 2008

Venue: Explore @ Bristol, Bristol, UK


Keynote speakers: 

Professor Marika Tiggemann - Flinders University, Australia

Professor Nichola Rumsey - Centre for Appearance Research, UWE, Bristol


Deadline for abstracts: 11 February 2008 (N.B. a 2nd deadline for poster presentation "off the press" findings is 31st May 2008)


For further information please contact: The Centre for Appearance Research - tel: (0117) 3283967, email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  or visit the conference website <> 


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