

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Weiss" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: "Poetry" versus "Prose" in New Hampshire

> Gore's 2000 image was invented by relentless Republican repetition. 
> Likewise Clinton's ice maiden aura. In each case a countervailing 
> image--Bush the reformed reprobate good old boy, Obama the prophet, 
> flatter national fictions .Obama, at any rate, is probably benign (it's 
> his competence that's in question), but the heart is a questionable guide. 
> Think of Bush looking into Putin's heart. As one of the columnists 
> recently noted, Putin was a KGB agent, he had no heart. And in choosing 
> leaders I prefer the head. The heart gave the world Reagan and lots 
> worse--Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini. Best to use one's head to cut through 
> the pretty stories we're all prone to and the machinations of the 
> propaganda machines that feed them.
> I realize that I speak as the veteran of several marriages. One tries to 
> learn.
> Mark

Mark, your last few e-mails have made excellent points.  My only cavil is 
Napoleon.  A substantial intellect.  Fine mathematician.  Remember the 
scientists he took on the Egyptian campaign.  Thought strategically on the 
largest scale (and made the largest errors).  "Head" vs. "heart" is a crude 
distinction, but N's besetting vices were intellectual: opportunism ("I saw 
the crown of France in the gutter and I picked it up") and contempt.