

everything but the over-apparent list in the final stanzas was adored


On 30/01/2008, sharon brogan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> i ask for a dream to answer the question
> i dream of a seal an affectionate seal
> it wants to be in the house with the women
> it slides through the door like water
> the seal is blue mottled purple and gold
> it's the swimming colors of oil on water
> one of the women who live in the house
> does not want the seal inside with the women
> the seal is innocent it's an innocent seal
> the seal is unguarded and fearless but shy
> the seal slips through my dream like water
> the seal can swim in the depths she can surface
> her fur is thick and sleek and dense
> her fur is her skin of oil and colors
> the deep black-blue and purple of ink
> and the gold foil of secrets and vows
> the seal stands up in the room like a woman
> like a woman she walks on the shore
> the seal slides through my mind like water
> the seal is a sylph, a cipher, a bond
> the seal is a secret, a consummation
> a veil, a promise, a blessing, a sanction
> the seal swims through my dream like water
> the seal is an answer to every question
> --
> ~ SB  | |  =^..^=