

**Apologies for cross-posting**


The next meeting of the UKeiG Intranets Forum will take place on 5th
February at Universities UK in London. 


Roshan Khan, Head of Know-how at Maitland Advisory LLP will give a
presentation entitled "The story of Maitrix" describing the development of
their global intranet over the last 3 years. 


Susan Bradley, Information Officer, Universities UK will demonstrate the


UUK intranet.  


This is a free, informal intranets forum meeting for UKeiG members to be
held at:


Universities UK,

Woburn House,

20 Tavistock Square,

London, WC1H 9HQ (The meeting is in the Boardroom)


Tuesday 5th February 2008

3pm to 5pm (coffee from 2.30pm)


If you are involved in intranets and would like to meet your colleagues,
this informal forum is for you.


If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact:

Janet Corcoran, Imperial College London

Email: [log in to unmask]


If you are not a member of UKeiG, and would like to come along to this
meeting, visit the UKeiG website:
for joining details.