

For some time we have been trying to get more information on public,  
active Fedora repositories for inclusion in ROAR (Registry of Open  
Access Repositories). At the moment there are around 1000 repositories  
in ROAR but only a tiny handful of those are based on Fedora. The same  
is also true in OpenDOAR (SHERPA's Directory of Open Access  

This may be because many Fedora installations are not repositories per  
se, or because they are running in experimental status, or because  
they may be intended as intranet-only resources. However, if you are  
the manager of a public repository based on Fedora, please could you  
register it at ROAR ( and/ 
or OpenDOAR (

Or if you know the manager of a Fedora repository, please pass the  
message on!
Les Carr
ROAR team

PS If you are the manager of ANY repository, please take the  
opportunity now to check that you appear in ROAR / DOAR for maximum  