

italian-studies: Scholarly discussions in any field of Italian studies

News from Annali d’italianistica ( 

January 15, 2008

You will find below the most recent list of books received. Interested 
scholars may contact the Editor at: [log in to unmask] 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Scholars will be selected on the basis of their expertise and research 
interests. Scholars who have never reviewed for AdI, or are new in the 
profession, are encouraged to introduce themselves briefly when they 
request books to review.

All reviews are read by the Editor and Assistant Editor, and all 
reviewers receive proofs with feedback.

Information on the journal’s editorial norms can be found on the 
journal’s website: <>

*Colleagues who have accepted to review books should submit their 
reviews before the next deadline (June 30, 2008), so that the review may 
appear in the 2008 issue.*

* ***

In all your correspondence with the Editor, please provide your e-mail 
address, complete name, academic affiliation, and the complete address 
where you wish to receive the book to be reviewed. If you receive no 
answer within three weeks, please contact the Editor again.


/Annali /is considering, as of the 2008 issue, to implement the 
following praxis concerning book reviews:

While listing in the annual volume all the reviews, including titles of 
books and names of reviewers, and while paginating all the reviews as 
they would appear in print,

the new praxis would entail publishing the reviews, with consecutive 
page numbers, only online, where the entire section of reviews 
(Bookshelf) is already available as of the 1998 issue.

The reasons for this change are many, and they are practical and 
financial as well as academic and scholarly.

*I welcome the reviewers’ feedback on this matter.*

* *

* Books Received*

*January 15, 2008*

*/Arzanà. Cahiers de littérature médiévale italienne 12. Poésie et 
épistolographie. /*Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007. Pp. 219.*/ /*

*Bartuschat, Johannes. /Les “vies” de Dante, Pétrarque et Boccace en 
Italie (XIV-XV siècles). /**/Contribution à l’histoire du genre 
biographique./* Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 276.

*Barwig, Angela, and Thomas Stauder, eds. **/Intellettuali italiani del 
secondo novecento./* Munich: Oldenbourg Ed., 2007. Pp. 550.

*Biancofiore, Angela, ed. /Pier Paolo Pasolini: pour une anthropologie 
poétique/. *Cahiers de Prévue 3. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de 
la Méditerranée, 2007. Pp. 167.

*Billiani, Francesca, and Gigliola Sulis, eds. /The Italian Gothic and 
Fantastic. /**/Encounters and Rewritings of Narrative Traditions. 
/*Madison (NJ): Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2007. Pp. 243.

*Boitani, Piero. /Dante’s Poetry of the Donati. /*The Barlow Lectures on 
Dante delivered at University College London, 17-18 March 2005.*/ 
/*Occasional Papers 7. Ed. John Lindon. Leeds (UK): Maney Publishing for 
the Society for Italian Studies, 2007. Pp. 55.

*Bonifazi, Neuro. /Dino Campana. La storia segreta e la tragica poesia. 
/*Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 265.

*Butcher, John. /Poetry and Intertextuality. Eugenio Montale’s Later 
Verse. /**Perugia: Volumnia, 2007. Pp. 237.*

* *

*Cherchi, Paolo, and Walter Pretolani. /Saggio di una bibliografia 
garzoniana. /*Russi (Ra): Vaca, 2007. Pp. 150.

*Croce, Benedetto. /Breviary of Aesthetics. Four Lectures. /**Introd. 
Remo Bodei. Trans. Hiroko Fudemoto. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 113.*

* *

*Dal Busco, Fabio. /La storia e la favola. Il modello manzoniano nel 
romanzo storico contemporaneo. /*Ravenna: Longo, 2007. Pp. 306.

*Dante Alighieri. /Paradiso. /*Verse translation by Robert Hollander and 
Jean Hollander. Introd. and notes Robert Hollander. New York: Doubleday, 
2006. Pp. 915.

*/Dialoghi con Dante. /**/Riscritture e ricodificazioni della 
/**Commedia. *A cura di Erminia Ardissino e Sabina Stroppa Tomasi. 
Uomini e Dottrine, 45. Atti del Convegno Torino, 17-18 maggio, 2004. 
Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007. Pp. X + 120.

*Di Pasquale, Emanuel. /Writing Anew: New and Selected Poems./* New 
York: Bordighera Press, 2007. Pp. 158.

*/Esperienze letterarie. /**Special Issue on Carlo Goldoni. Ed. Franco 
Fido and marco Santoro. 32.3-4 (2007. Pp. 335.*

*Fasani, Remo. /L’infinito endecasillabo e tre saggi danteschi. 
/*Ravenna: Longo, 2007. Pp. 139.

*Fava, Giuseppe. /Violence. A Sicilian Drama in Three Acts./* Eng. 
trans. Gaetano Cipolla. Mineola (NY): Legas, 2007. Pp. 128.

*Ferrara, Emily. /The Alchemy of Grief / Alchimia del dolore. Poems by 
Emily Ferrara./* Trans. Sabine Pascarelli. New York: Bordighera Press, 
2007. Pp. 95.

*Fyler, John M. /Language and the Declining World in Chaucer, Dante, and 
Jean de Meun./ **Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. Pp. 306.*

* *

*Gibellini, Pietro, ed. /Il mito nella letteratura italiana IV. L’età 
contemporanea. /*Brescia: Biblioteca Morcelliana, 2007. Pp. 717.

*Gordon, Robert S. C., ed. /The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi. 
/*Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. Pp. 205.

*Havely, Nick. /Dante./* Malden (MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Pp. 292.

*Herzig, Tamar. /Savonarola’s Women. Vissions and Reform in Renaissance 
Italy. /*Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2007. Pp. 333.

*Hipkins, Danielle E. /Contemporary Italian Women Writers and Traces of 
the Fantastic: The Creation of Literary Space. /* London: Modern 
Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing, 2007. Pp. 229.

*Honess, Claire E. /From Florence to the Heavenly City. The Poetry of 
Citizenship in Dante. /*London: Modern Humanities Research Association 
and Maney Publishing, 2006. Pp. 203.

*Honess, Claire E, ed and trans. **/Dante Alighieri: Four Political 
Letters./* MHRA Critical Texts 6. London: Modern Humanities Research 
Association, 2007. Pp. 105.

*Keith, Alison, and Stephen Rupp, eds. /Metamorphosis. The Changing Face 
of Ovid in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. /*Toronto: Center for 
Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2007. Pp. 350.

*/Letture classensi/* *35/36*. */Dante e l’arte./* Ed. Claudia Giuliani. 
Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 156.

*Malaparte, Curzio. **/Woman Like Me (Donna come me). /*Trans. and 
introd. Robin Monotti Graziadei. Leicester (UK): Troubador, 2007. Pp. 81.

*Manai, Franco. /Cosa succeede a Fraus? Sardegna e mondo nel racconto di 
Giulio Angioni. /Cagliari: Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice 
Cagliaritana, 2006. Pp. 254.*

* *

*Mangini, Angelo M. /Letteratura come anamorfosi./* Bologna: Bononia UP, 
2007. Pp. 349.

*Mantea (Gina Sobrero). /Espatriata. Da Torino a Honolulu. /* Ed. 
Ombretta Frau. Roma: Salerno Editrice, 2007. Pp. 196.

*Mariani, Umberto. /L’eterna vittima. Donne nella nostra letteratura e 
nel nostro cinema. /*Pesaro: Metauro Edizioni, 2007. Pp. 206.

*Maschietto, Francesco Ludovico. /Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia 
(1646-1684): The First Woman in the World to Earn a University Degree. 
/*Trans. Jan Vairo and William Crochetiere. Ed. Catherine Marshall. 
Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s UP, 2007. Pp. 318.

*Masetti, Andrea, ed. /Briganti&Friends./*/ *Per gli 80 di Bacchini. 
*/Parma: UNI.NOVA, 2007. Pp. 261.

*Matteo, Sante. /Radici sporadiche: letteratura, viaggi, migrazioni./* 
Quderni sulle migrazioni 18. Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2007. Pp. 203.

*Meschini, Michela, and Carla Carotenuto, eds. /Tra note e parole. 
Musica, lingua, letteratura. /*Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 153.

*Moltedo, Guido, ed. /Welcome to Venice. Cento volte imitate, copiata, 
sognata./ Venezia: Consorzio Venezia Nuova, 2007. Pp. 137.*

* *

*Moneti, Annamaria, and Graziana Lazzarino. /Da capo. /*6^th ed. 
Instructor’s edition. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007. Pp. 416.

*Morosini, Roberta, and Cristina Perissinotto, eds. /Mediterranoesis. 
Voci dal medioevo e dal rinascimento mediterraneo. /*Roma: Salerno 
Editore, 2007. 267.

*Nasti, Paola. /Favole d’amore e “saver profondo.” La tradizione 
salomonica in Dante. /*Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 270.

*Paolini, Gilberto. /Chiesa e complesso monastico. S/**/^ta /**/Maria 
Agraiano in S. Pio Fontecchio: extra et intus moenia Aquilae, sec. 
X-XXI. /*L’Aquila: Gruppo Tipografico Editoriale, 2007. Pp. 318.

*Pedriali, Federica G., and Rossella Riccobono, eds. **/Vested Voices 
II. Creating with Transvestism: From Bertolucci to Boccaccio. /*Ravenna: 
Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 165.

*Pietralunga, Mark, ed. /Cesare Pavese and Anthony Chiuminatto: Their 
Correspondence. /*Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 309.

*Ronchetti, Alessia, and Maria Serena Sapegno, eds. /Dentro/Fuori. 
Sopra/Sotto./* Critica femminista e canone letterario negli studi di 
italianistica. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2007. Pp. 182.

*Ryan-Scheutz, Colleen. /Sex, The Self, and the Sacred. /**/Women in the 
Cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini. /*Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 297.

*Sanson, Helena. /Donne, precettistica e lingua nell’Italia del 
cinquecento. Un contributo alla storia del pensiero linguistico. 
/*Firenze: Presso l’Accademia della Crusca, 2007. Pp. 382.

*Santoro, Marco, ed. /Valla e Napoli. /**/Il dibattito filologico in età 
umanistica. /**Atti del convegno internazionale, Ravello, Villa Rufolo, 
22-23 settembre 2005. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici 
Internazionali, 2007. **Pp. 248.*

* *

*Sciberras, Keith, and David M. Stone. /Caravaggio: Art, Knighthood, and 
Malta. /*Valletta (Malta): Midsea Books Ltd., 2006. Pp. 138.

*Smarr, Janet Levaries, ed./ Writers Reading Writers. Intertextual 
Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Literature in Honor of Robert 
Hollander./* Newark: U of Delaware P, 2007. Pp. 256.

* *

*Tellini, Gino. /The Invention of Modern Italian Literature. Strategies 
of Creative Imagination. /*Trans. Dawn Winterhalter and Gemma Dawkes. 
Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007. Pp. 169.

*Van den Bossche, Bart. **/Il mito nella letteratura italiana del 
novecento: trasformazioni e elaborazioni. /*University Leuven Nuova 
Serie 10. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, 2007. Pp. 195.

* *

*Weinapple, Fiorenza. /Le foglie levi di Sibylla. L’opera e la scrittura 
di Maria Pascoli. /* Pref. Elio Gioanola. Milano: Jaca Book, 2007. Pp. 274.

*Williams, Pamela. /Through Human Love to God. Essays on Dante and 
Petrarch. /Leicester (UK): Troubador, 2007. Pp. 137.*

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