

Dear colleagues

I just decided to re-join this very usefull list after several years.

My name is Nicolas Boeglin Naumovic.

I´m a French lawyer (I got my PHD at the University of Paris II, with a
thesis presented in 1996 on "The land boundary between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua" under the supervision of "mon regretté maître", Professor Daniel

I live in Costa Rica since 1992, and teach public international law ate the
Law Faculty of the "Universidad de Costa Rica". I have concentred my
researches on rivers boundaries (my last contribution  entitled
International Water Courses as Boundaries" (in French, " De l´usage des
cours d´eau internationaux comme rivières") can be found in the book
published by the Hague Academy of Internationa Law, Water Resources and
International Law (Boisson de Chazournes L and Salman S.M Editors).Martinus
Nijoff Pub, 2005, pp133-165).

I follow in my reserachs very closely the development of many cases
presented by latinamerican States before the International Court of Justice,
which are:

Nicaragua c. Honduras (just resolved by ICJ last december)
Nicaragua c. Colombia (pending)
Costa Rica c. Nicaragua (pending)
Argentina c. Uruguay (pending)
And recently, Peru c. Chile (request presented 2 weeks ago)

Just to note that it is the firts time in the history of the ICJ that so
many cases involve latinamerican States. A great record to keep in mind !!!
There are still some unresolved question of martime delimitation in the
Caribbean that possibly will improve the number of cases...Who knows.

A very short articel published in La Nacion (Costa Rica ) on this issue can
be read (in Spanish) at:

 I hope to share with all members of this very prestigious list experiences
and know-how on how establish "une bonne frontière" following the words of
Paul Geouffre de La Pradelle  in 1928.

Sincerely yours

Nicolas Boeglin Naumovic
Law Professor
Box 4087-1000
San Jose
Costa Rica

Tel:   (506) 297 56 94  Fax : (506) 297 50 53
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