

* Apologies for cross posting *

Are you a budding writer who hasn't yet worked up the nerve to submit
to a peer reviewed journal? 

Does your library have something important that it would like to share
within our profession? 

Have you introduced a new service that will be beneficial to health
librarians nationally and internationally?

If you answer Yes to any of the above questions then please do consider
submitting a piece to the HLG newsletter.

The copy dates are listed below if you are interested. If you are
unsure please contact me and I will be more than happy to discuss it
with you. 

15 February - March issue
16 May - June issue
14 August - September issue
14 November - December issue

I look forward to hearing from all of you over the next year.

With very best wishes,


Emily Harker BSc MSc MCLIP
Site Librarian - St James's University Hospital Library
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

t: 0113 20 66628 (direct)
t: 0113 20 65638 (library)
f: 0113 20 64682
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