

              C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S

      The 2008 International Conference on Data Mining

  Date and Location: July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, USA

You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings/book.

SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

   + Data Mining Tasks
     - Regression/Classification
     - Time series forecasting
     - Segmentation/Clustering/Association
     - Deviation and outlier detection
     - Explorative and visual data mining
     - Web mining
     - Mining text and semi-structured data
     - Temporal and spatial data mining
     - Multimedia mining (audio/video)
     - Others

   + Data Mining Algorithms
     - Artificial neural networks
     - Fuzzy logic and rough sets
     - Decision trees/rule learners
     - Support vector machines
     - Evolutionary computation/meta heuristics
     - Statistical methods
     - Collaborative filtering
     - Case based reasoning
     - Link and sequence analysis
     - Ensembles/committee approaches
     - Others

   + Data Mining Integration
     - Mining large scale data
     - Distributed and grid based data mining
     - Data and knowledge representation
     - Data warehousing and OLAP integration
     - Integration of prior/domain knowledge
     - Metadata and ontologies
     - Agent technologies for data mining
     - Legal and social aspects of data mining
     - Others

   + Data Mining Process
     - Data cleaning and preparation
     - Feature selection and transformation
     - Attribute discretisation and encoding
     - Sampling and rebalancing
     - Missing value imputation
     - Model selection/assessment and comparison
     - Induction principles
     - Model interpretation
     - Others

   + Data Mining Applications
     - Bioinformatics/Medicine
     - Business/Industrial
     - Engineering
     - Military/Security
     - Social science
     - Others

   + Data Mining Software
     We particularly encourage submissions of industrial applications and
     case studies from practitioners. These will not be evaluated using
     solely theoretical research criteria, but will take general interest
     and presentation stringer into consideration.

   + Alternative and additional examples of possible topics include:
     Data Mining for Business Intelligence; Emerging technologies in data
     mining; Computational performance issues in data mining; Data mining
     in usability; Advanced prediction modelling using data mining; Data
     mining and national security; Data mining tools; Data analysis;
     Data preparation techniques (selection, transformation, and
     preprocessing); Information extraction methodologies; Clustering
     algorithms used in data mining; Genetic algorithms and categorization
     techniques used in data mining; Data and information integration;
     Microarray design and analysis; Privacy-preserving data mining; Active
     data mining; Statistical methods used in data mining; Multidimensional
     data; Automatic data cleaning; Data visualization; Theory and practice
     (knowledge representation and discovery); Knowledge Discovery in
     Databases (KDD); Uncertainty management; Data reduction methods; Data
     engineering; Content mining; Indexing schemes; Information retrieval;
     Metadata use and management; Multidimensional query languages and
     query; Multimedia information systems; Search engine query processing;
     Pattern mining; Applications (examples: data mining in education,
     marketing, finance and financial services, business applications,
     medicine, bioinformatics, biological sciences, science and technology,
     industry and government, ...).


   Prospective authors are invited to submit their full paper in PDF format
   (about 5 to 7 pages, standard double column IEEE style, single spaced,
   10 pt font size, margins left/right/bottom/top 0.75" (19 mm), first page
   top margin 1" (25 mm), via the DMIN'08 online paper submission system
   by Feb. 25, 2008. The link to the online submission system will be
   available on the DMIN'08 website (

   The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to
   7 (IEEE style) pages.  Papers must not have been previously published
   or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.  The first page of
   the draft paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation,
   postal address, and email address of each author as well as the name
   of the conference the paper is being submitted to (ie, DMIN'08).
   The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author
   and a maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the
   content of the paper.

   To reflect upon feedback from last year we will extend the
   constructive feedback given within the review in aligning them with
   the IEEE guidelines for IJCNN and WCCI. In particular, we aim at a
   fair, objective and transparent review process. Therefore, we are
   publishing the review criteria to further support the reviews
   provided (see
   Papers will be evaluated for relevance to DMIN, originality,
   significance, information content, clarity, and soundness on an
   international level. Each aspect will be evaluated on a scale of
   1 (bad - reject) to 10 (excellent - accept) or 10%-100%. Papers
   need to achieve at least 50% overall score to be accepted without
   mandatory revisions. Each paper will be refereed by at least two
   researchers in the topical area, and all reviews are being considered
   for the acceptance/rejection decision. Each reviewer can indicate
   their expertise and therefore their relative confidence in a
   particular recommendation. The camera-ready papers will be reviewed
   by one person.

   We particularly encourage submissions of industrial applications and
   case studies from practitioners. To reflect the requirements of an
   application or project centric case study presentation, these will
   be subject to different review criteria. In particular, they will
   not be evaluated using predominantly theoretical research criteria
   of originality etc., but will take general interest and presentation
   stronger into consideration. The camera-ready papers will be reviewed
   by one person.


Academic/Technical Co-Sponsors:

-->  Computational Biology and Functional Genomics Laboratory,
     Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

-->  Horvath Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

-->  Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota, USA

-->  Functional Genomics Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

-->  BioMedical Informatics & Bio-Imaging Laboratory, Georgia Institute
     of Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

-->  Intelligent Data Exploration and Analysis Laboratory, University of
     Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

-->  Biomedical Cybernetics Laboratory, HST of Harvard University and MIT, USA

-->  Center for the Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics,
     Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

-->  Harvard Statistical Genomics and Computational Laboratory,
     Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

-->  Hawkeye Radiology Informatics, Department of Radiology,
     College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA

-->  Medical Image HPC & Informatics Lab (MiHi Lab),
     University of Iowa, Iowa, USA

-->  The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA

-->  International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine

-->  Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of
     Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

-->  Telecommunications Task Force of the Intelligent Systems Applications
     Technical Committee (ISATC) of IEEE Computational Intelligence
     Society (CIS)

Corporate Co-Sponsors:

-->  Google, Inc.

-->  NIIT Technologies

Other Co-Sponsors:

-->  High Performance Computing for Nanotechnology (HPCNano)

-->  International Technology Institute (ITI)

-->  GridToday

-->  HPCwire

-->  Hodges' Health (H2CM), UK


   The program committee includes members of the chapters of World
   Academy of Science (chapters: supercomputing; scientific computing;
   AI; imaging science; databases; simulation; software engineering;
   embedded systems; internet and web technologies; communications;
   computer security; and bioinformatics.) The names of the members
   of the program committee will soon be posted on the web site.
   Those interested in joining the program committee should email
   Sven F. Crone ([log in to unmask]) and Robert Stahlbock
   ([log in to unmask]) the following information: Name,
   affiliation and position, complete mailing address, email address,
   tel/fax numbers, a short biography together with research interests.

   For the list of the members of program committee of DMIN'07, refer to:
   Many members of the program committee include renowned leaders,
   scholars, researchers, scientists and practitioners of the highest
   ranks; many are directors of research laboratories, fellows of various
   societies, heads/chairs of departments, deans and provosts.


   January 31, 2008:  Proposals for organizing/chairing sessions/workshops
   Feb.  25, 2008:    Submission of papers (about 5 to 7 pages)
   March 25, 2008:    Notification of acceptance
   April 25, 2008:    Camera-Ready papers and Registration due
   July 14-17, 2008:  The 2008 International Conference on Data Mining

   URL DMIN'08:

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