

Dear Theory listmembers,
You may have seen the announcement below. The Political Theory standing group convenors would like to encourage members to propose 'theory-type' sections so that we have as good a representation as possible and so that numerous members will come to the conference and make it a great one. The Standing Group does not 'have' a section, so there can be more than one ... but there should be AT LEAST ONE. It would help us if you sent a drafts along to me ([log in to unmask]) just so we know how things are progressing. If you would like any comments, Veronique and I will be pleased to offer some. I emphasize that we are not judges or selectors in any way, just 'cheerleaders' to see that Political Theory makes a good showing at Potsdam!
Very best wishes to all in the New Year,

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Louise Hawkridge <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Dec 17, 2007 9:48 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Call for Sections: ECPR General Conference 2009