

The Student Loans Company is undertaking a major government change programme to implement a new Student Finance business system. The Company will be taking full ownership for delivery of student finance. It will also be responsible for working with interest groups and delivery partnerships across England.  
An essential element of this programme is the creation of expertise within the organisation, for dealing with students that have requirements for special assistance. It is essential that student finance publicity and administration is relevant and accessible to all types of students. The Company is seeking to recruit a manager to deal with these diverse requirements. The successful candidate will have a wide-reaching role. They will become the Company's expert on the requirements for information and support for a wide range of students, including disabled students, those with child care needs, those whose first language is not be English.  They will work closely with a wide range of special interest groups throughout the UK to maximise the effectiveness of information, guidance and publicity on student finance to these student groups. They will liaise with other functions throughout the organisation to define appropriate systems and procedures. 

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