

Participants in this forum might find the below interesting (retrieved 
from the 'Space & Culture' blog):

*Call for Papers*

Guest Eds. Domenech, M. & Schillmeier, M.

"Thinking about care practices entails a reflection concerning practices 
of space. Heidegger’s notion of ‘dwelling as caring’ addresses this 
relationship. In this vein we are interested in rethinking the concepts 
and practices of care in contemporary societies. This special issue 
focuses on new forms of spatialization in and through which care is 
performed, questioned and altered. Emerging forms of spatialization, we 
suggest, visualize care as an art of dwelling that constantly relates 
humans and non-humans. Care as an art of dwelling, then, enacts 
being-at-home by re-assembling bodies, emotions, technologies and places 
in highly specific and complex ways.

"Space and Culture invites submissions of papers for a special issue 
devoted to an exploration of the above topic."

Please contact the Editors directly with any questions.

Sam Kinsley
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol
